Tuesday 21 December 2010

Group Questions & Test Screening

On Wednesday 14th December we had a test screening of our film. This was displayed in front of the class, which consisted with a short unfinished scene of our film. A questionnaire was handed to everyone in the room who was watching our footage which is shown below:

Favourite thing about the scene?
The most popular answer was that the overall pace of the scene seemed good. Other answers were the cuts, the opening of the scene, and a good mixture of shots with the music.

Least favourite thing?
Most people said that it was a bit too short, although we are working on making it longer. Also someone didn't like the extra-diagetic gaze of the characters, and that the introduction felt too 'classic'.

Natural cuts/shots?
The majority of people thought that the shots flowed well and they didn't feel too abrupt, which is what we wanted as they had to be in sync with the non-diagetic music in the scene.

Film areas results
The most common results for each aspect of our film out of five were:
Sound - 5                    Lighting - 5
Characters - 4            Setting - 4
Camera Angles - 4       Editing - 5

What should be improved?
The most common answer that almost everybody mentioned was that it should be longer as the footage that we showed them was only about ten seconds. We are planning on making it longer by adding more shots to fit in with the music.

What's the genre?
Most people thought that it felt like a comedy, although other answers were drama and social realism. We planned for the genre to be drama. Most people probably thought it was comedy because of the bold mixture of characters and the light-hearted music on the scene.

Overall, we mostly got positive feedback from the class. The main criticism was that it was too short, although it was mainly due to the fact that we did not film a lot and could not do much with the footage that we had at the moment. Some people also said that it felt comedic on it's own, but when the film is finished it should look more normal and appear to fit in more with the storyline.

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