Wednesday 8 December 2010

Final Film Poster Brainstorm.

I produced a film poster Brainstorm which compiled all of the information which needs to be on a film poster. These were Title, Font, colour, ratings, tagline, production company, the main picture and actors. Each section was broken down into sub-sections.

The title.
We had come up with three titles, these were, Exodus, CrossRoads and Four Minds. We decided to go for 'Exodus.' The dictionary definition states 'as a going out; a departure or emigration, usually of a large number of people: the summer exodus to the country and shore'
This was similar to the departure or journey of our main character Alex.
Bob Marleys song Exodus also had an influence.

Fonts for the title.
We have broken the list of fonts down to four. Hoefler Text, Wide Latim, Trajan Pro and Silom.
We have decided to go for the font named 'Trajan Pro.' This font works very well with out genre, it is also very clear and easy to read, that is why we have chosen this font.
The colour of the title will be Black. We feel that this colour represents sadness, gloomyness and creates a dark atmosphere. We feel this will complement our genre or a drama well.

The Picture.
We had ideas of Alex (Main Character) Facing at a 90 degree angle to the camera. With the top and bottom of the picture in Black. The black areas would have the other information such as title, ratings, the actors list and production information. This idea can be viewed on Aidah's blog.
We have decided on Alex being at a 90 degree angle to the camera, which his three friends, Parham, Adeel & Maurice beside him. Below is a mock drawing of our final film poster.

The Final Poster drawing was completed by Ryan Haughey. 

The Tagline.
We have come up with three taglines.
- The Journey, are you ready?
- Thing's you don't know about don't harm you
- Some things are better left unsaid.
We have decided to go for the second Tagline. Thing's you don't know about don't harm you.
As a group, we decided this worked well with our genre and conveyed the story well without giving too much information about the film.

The rating of the film (12) is shown in the bottom left hand corner. Our research showed us that the majority of films ratings are located here.

Production Company.
Our research of current film posters show us that this information is generally listed along the bottom of the film poster. It is here so it is not in your face, however, it has to be on the film poster.

The Actors names are going to be written across the top of the film Poster. Example's of current film posters which have this are IRobot, Rescue Dawn and The Matrix.

On nearly all film posters, reviews are completed by independent and non biased people/companies or film critics. We have decided to place the reviews on the right hand side. Of course, as it was a Mock Drawing, we gave our film a 5 Star rating.

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