Tuesday 14 December 2010

Editing Process

After collecting all the footage from Saturdays Filming and capturing it using Adobe Premier Pro, we are now adding the soundtrack. 

The image above shows an example of one of our clips that we had to sort through. This shows the four characters (Eddy, Parham, Maurice and Alex) walking on the pavement. The program being used is called Adobe Premier Pro. 

The editing process is one of the hardest parts.
This is because we have around 80 takes of the four boys walking together, individually and close ups of their faces and costumes. We had to scroll through and select the best takes. Once we had done this, we were left with one take from each clip.

These clips then have to be trimmed and sorted. The hardest part is matching the characters walk to the beat of the music. An example of this is when the four boys are walking towards the camera, and take a chunk out of their walk. This is otherwise known as an ellipsis. This gives the effect that they have jumped ahead of time. This must match the beat of the music perfectly to give the right effect. 

The images below show this effect.

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