Wednesday 19 January 2011

Filming Saturday 15th December 2010

Last weekend on Saturday we filmed the remaining street scenes involving Nathan, as he was unable to make it during the previous street scenes. This scene involves Nathan's character talking to Alex about going to the party. We filmed at around midday on Saturday as it was a clear day and there were not much people about at the time. We filmed around the corner from the walking scene.

We carried out many shot-reverse-shots between Alex and Nathan as they speak in the street. However watching it back, the sound quality kept changing, due to things like the wind and also cars passing by. Some of the shots were also too zoomed in so we did these shots again. Overall we completed this scene in about an hour and it went mostly well, although we had to rehearse a few times when Alex's friends slapped the back of his head as we had to get the camera shot right and the lens kept blurring.

If we had to do it again, we would make sure to pick a location where there were less cars around. Also, although there weren't many people about, soa few passerbys still kept walking past the camera so we have to be more aware of where on the street we film next time.

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