Tuesday 19 October 2010

I decided to create a moodboard consisting of various films that I felt had relevant themes. The films within this mood board I found to be particularly interesting and I felt our group could use it as a stimulus for our idea.

I also conducted a focus group with eight people of similar ages to the characters within our film . i found that after compiling the notes i had  made during the focus group, most people felt they could relate to the characters myself and Adeel had created. Members felt very strongly about the character 'Parham' a member of the group added " everyone knows a someone like that". This information made us feel comfortable in the knowledge that we would not have to alter any of our characters. The plot was also very popular with the focus group members felt that it was definently something they would enjoy watching and it was an interesting concept in the portrayel of isolation. Noone withn our focus group had seen a short film and or knew where they could go to watch one. six out of eight members strongly expressed there love for comedy as there preffered genre. 

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