Sunday 17 October 2010

Film Idea & Inspirations

We have finally decided on our idea. It's going to be about a teenager who at first appears to be yet another average boy living in London. He is reasonably popular which is shown by his three friends who are constantly surrounding him throughout the film. However, we then find out through flashbacks towards the end that these people aren't real, but instead are completely imaginary. It's going to be ambiguous to the audience so there's no exposition of why he sees/imagines these people. Possible reasons could be:
  • Multiple Personality Disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • His conscious thoughts
One of the main influences for our film is Inside directed by Trevor Sands. This short film is about a man who has a multiple personality disorder which is represented by various actors surrounding him. As they speak, he speaks along with them which is the film's way of showing his disorder to the audience. The twist is then revealed; a psychiatrist who was first thought to be a real person is then revealed as another character in his head. We liked the idea of those people surrounding the character.

Another influence was Fight Club starring Edward Norton & Brad Pitt. All the way through the film Norton is shown engaging with Pitt such as fighting with him in the street and arguing with him, however after a series of flashbacks from a different perspective we realise that he's actually shouting and beating up himself due to his insomnia causing these imaginations. Although the reasoning behind his imagination is different in this film to ours, we still think that it's similar to ours as we want to show same events from a diffferent point of view.

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